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2010 AGM minutes
Thursday 12th May 2010
South Oval ANU

1.President Matthew Parton opens 2010 Annual General Meeting with corum achieved, followed by presentation of issues to be addressed.

2. The president puts forward a motion for an amendment to the club constitution in light of the incorporation of the ANU triathlon club with the athletics club: That the position of the 'public officer' and all references to it in the constitution are altered to read 'triathlon officer'. Motion seconded by Elise. Motion passed with 100% in favour.

3. Nominations and election of the 2010 club executive is addressed by the president.
(a)For the position of president, Matthew Parton self nominates (seconded by Theo Kelly) unopposed, and is elected unanimously.
(b)For the position of Vice-president, Michale Hazan (in absentia) is nominated by Matthew Parton (seconded by Rob Fell) unopposed, and is elected unanimously.
(c)For the position of triathlon officer (previously Public officer), Michael Jones is nominated by Theo Kelly (seconded by Matt Parton) unopposed, and is elected unanimously.
(d)For the position of treasurer, Theo Kelly self nominates (seconded by Kelly Mills) unopposed, and is elected unanimously.
(e)For the position of Secretary, Kelly Mills self nominates (seconded by Matthew Parton) unopposed, and is elected unanimously.
(f)For the position of Social Officer, Hugh Pohlar (in absentia) is nominated by Matthew Parton (seconded by Kelly Mills) unopposed, and is elected unanimously.
(g)For the position of Registrar, Ash (surname?) self nominates (seconded by Matthew Parton) unopposed, and is elected unanimously.
(h)The newly elected executive is recognised immediately.

4. The president calls or any general business. Outgoing secretary Rob Fell, representing himself and outgoing vice-president Pip Lean, recalls the personal loans (made by them to the club in order to purchase uniforms) to be repaid to both of them. Payments are to be fulfilled on completion of the transfer of the clubs financial administration powers to the new treasurer.

5. On completion of general business, the president Matt Parton proposes that the minutes be accepted by the registrar.

6. 6:20pm the Annual General Meeting is closed
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